(079) 26568174 admin@stavyaspine.com

When to consult

It is desired that, you should know about certain situations of spine, where a visit to doctor is necessary.  These situations require a detailed examination by Spine Specialist to avoid undue consequences if neglected. Following are the situations when you should consult doctor immediately

  1. Back pain/neck pain for more than 6 weeks.
  2. Back pain/neck pain and numbness in arms and legs not relieved by initial symptomatic treatment.
  3. Sudden increase in severity of previous pain despite on treatment.
  4. Appearance of any weakness in arms, legs, fingers, and toes.
  5. Associated weight loss and decreased appetite.
  6. Pain more at night.
  7. Back pain/neck pain associated with fever.
  8. Imbalance while walking.
  9. Decrease in the distance you could walk comfortably before.
  10. Inability to write your name / signature as before.
  11. Recently, if you have noticed any changes in your bowel and bladder habits (i.e., constipation, urinary disturbances, decreased sensation over inner and upper part of thigh).
  12. When your daily activities are affected due to back/neck pain.

In presence of these situations, it becomes mandatary to visit Spine Specialist.