Fellowship in Spine Surgery
The goal of the Spine Surgery Fellowship is to provide MCI (Medical Council of India) recognized post graduates of orthopedic surgery with clinical experience in preparation for an academic or private practice career in spine surgery. It is designed to provide fellows with intensive training and broad exposure in diagnosis and treatment of common spinal disorders, and research. The fellow will learn to evaluate and treat routine and complicated areas of the spine : cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and lumbo-sacral, both surgical and non-surgical methods of treatment. A rotated schedule permits the fellow to have equal experience with each of spine surgeons and in the various areas of learning.

Available Fellowships at Stavya
- ASSI (Association of Spine Surgeons of India)
Fellowship: 2 years - SSHRI (Stavya Spine Hospital and Research Institute)
Fellowship: 1 year. You can apply and it may open for logistical reasons or any other accredited fellowship cancellations. - AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fürOsteosynthesefragen)
Fellowship: 3-Weeks – 3 Months - MISSAB (Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons of Bharat) (Non stipendary)
Fellowship: 3 Weeks - Stavya Spine Endoscopy (Non stipendary)
Fellowship: 12 Weeks
(Prior to Endoscopy spine fellowship, spine basic fellowship mandatory and endoscopy exposure Preferred)

Each fellow will have the opportunity to make a number of case presentations.
Reading textbooks and articles- Assistance in the operating room- Participation in the clinic- Participation in pre operative discussions- Participation in research projects- Writing article in journals- Assistance in Training & Education, participating in conferences, CME, Seminars etc
Each fellow will have the opportunity to make a number of case presentations.
Dr. ArvindGosai
Dr. Hitesh Modi
Dr. Ajay Krishnan
Dr. Ankur Gupta
Dr. Ankur Nanda
Dr. Jigar Anandjiwala
Dr. Tarun Desai
Dr. Himanshu Ram
Dr. Mehul Chauhan
Dr. Kalpesh Tank
Dr. ShreekantDahihete
Dr. ShivanandMayi
Dr. D Devanand
Dr. Arunkumar
Dr. Nitu Borgohain
Dr. Denish Patel
Dr. Rangnath
Dr. Dipak Shah
Dr. Pushpak Shamal
Dr. RominSabghavi
Dr. NamitNathwal
Dr. Ankur Patel
Dr. Dhruv Patel
Dr. Nishant Shetty (A.O)
Dr. Lingaraj Reddy
Dr. Yash Shah
Dr. Vishal Chaudhary
Dr. Iboyaima Singh
Dr. Abhinav Soni
Dr. Ankur Kapoor
Dr. Ankit Patel (A.O)
Dr. Mahadev Ghuge
Dr. Ganesh Deshmukh
Dr. Nitin Dargar (A.O)
Dr. Sagar Hansalia (A.O)
Right from the beginning I was welcomed into the Stavya family and it was there that I learnt all the basics of spine surgery including exposure, pedicle screw fixation, laminectomy, discectomy, inter body fusion. Iassisted during spinal tumour surgeries and was exposed to a whole spectrum of spine pathologies from trauma, degenerative, deformity, inflammatory. Dr. Bharat Dave is an amazing person and Dr. Ajay Krishnan helped me not only during surgeries but also guided me so that I could present my first national level paper in ASSICON held at Mumbai. I enjoyed each and every minute of my work in SSHRI. I thank the staff, physiotherapists and especially the anaesthetists who made my Fellowship a memorable one. I must say that I learnt more than about spine at SSHRI.
I joined as a Fellow for 6 months at Stavyaand my learning has been immense; from the simplest of procedures to the most complex, I was exposed to it all. The consultants are good and taught me the finer details that they had learnt from years of practice. Thanks to my time here, I even published a paper in IJO.I am very thankful to Dr. Bharat Dave and Dr. Ajay Krishnan for making this a wonderful place for Fellows to learn.
I worked in SSRI from 2007-2008 and it was a great experience for me. I learned the very basics of spine surgery under the able guidance of Dr. Bharat Dave who is an excellent spine surgeon. He has been my mentor and not only did I grow as a spine surgeon at SSRI but also has a human being. Dr. Dave has been running this institute like a family and the patients admitted here feel very much at home. I wish him and the institute the very best.
Within first few days of my being at Stavya, I was amazed to see the quality and the volume of the spine work done here. With God’s grace I got two teachers who were unique in their own ways-Dr.Bharat Dave Sir taught me how to approach a spine patient and Dr. Ajay sir taught me about academics – how to go about doing research and publishing your work. I was fortunate enough to assist in more than 450 spine surgeries and within just 7 months. I even managed to learn about traumatic,degenerative as well as reconstructive surgeries—a feat hardly achievable in 7 months. No words can describe my experience at Stavya, nor will I ever be able to repay both my teachers for all that they have taught me.They helped me become not only a better surgeon but a better individual.
Clinical Responsibilities: Your responsibilities may vary somewhat depending upon your background and educational needs. You will evaluate all consultation requests when you are on call and coordinate further consultation with consultant spine surgeons. The fellow will assume progressive responsibility in the assessment, preoperative evaluation, surgical care, postoperative management, rehabilitation and follow-up evaluation of patients.
During the Spine Fellowship, you will coordinate the spine conferences at “Stavya” Spine Hospital, and attend spine conferences if assigned.
You will compulsorily be responsible for at least one clinical research project /paper publication, that is to be completed before the fellowship ends. Additional clinical or basic science projects are encouraged. Logbook is to be compulsorily maintained and weekly signed.
The fellowship will be six months in duration but may potentially be extended depending upon research interests and only at the discretion of the director.