Our Story
Stavya, or Lord Vishnu, is one of the major deity of Hinduism. Lord Krishna is worshipped as the eighth avatar of the god Vishnu and also as the supreme god in his own right. He is the god of compassion, tenderness, and love in Hinduism, and is one of the most popular and widely revered among Indian divinities. The Bhagavata Purana narrates that after meeting his friend Sudama, Krishna and his elder brother Balarama walked through the streets of Mathura and encountered Kubja, a young hunchback maidservant of the king Kansa. She had a beautiful face and carried a plate of ointment with her. Krishna praises her beauty and asks for ointment in return for a boon. She introduces herself as Trivakra, one who is bent in three places. Mesmerized by Krishna’s charm, she grants him the ointment that she was taking for the king. Pleased, Krishna presses his toes on her feet and placed a finger of both his hands under her chin and raises the fingers, which straightened her body and made her beautiful.
“Whenever righteousness wanes and unrighteousness increases I send myself forth.
For the protection of the good and for the destruction of evil,
and for the establishment of righteousness,
I come into being age after age.”
— Bhagavad Gita 4.7–8

Lord Krishna helped Kubja with her Scoliosis (the medical term used nowadays for trivakra) during the Mahabharat Era. As Inspiring as this story is, we at Stavya Spine Hospital have treated and cured more than 2,00,000 patients with Spine deformities and disorders since 2004.
Spine Surgery was a fallacy 21 years ago, when Dr Bharat Dave started his medical practice in Ahmedabad. He and his team have been working effortlessly to correct the myths related to spinal ailments. We at Stavya have the previlage of treating patients from all over the world. As compared to others, Asians, especially Indians have a low Bone Mineral Density, genetically. Wrong Ergonomic practices in daily living, and the lack of awareness about Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 supplements in Indian Diet have been major factors causing Back pain and neck pain.
The Era of Age Quake i.e., increase in aging population in India, has made it imperative to inculcate Prevention as well as Technological Advances in HealthCare. Osteoporotic Fractures & Degenerative Spinal Disorders are at a rise.
The Era of Smart Gadgets has led to a decline in Physical Fitness among Youngsters, creating an immediate need for Preventive Care to become the Epitome of HealthCare. Disc Prolapse, Cervical Spine Disorders, and many such conditions are on a rise among young adults.
Stavya is based on the moto Be Human. With our experience in Spine Surgery (since 1986), we believe, unlike Hippocrates Oath “Do Good”, Now is the Era of “Do The Best”. We get to see 17000 New Cases every Year & 20000 Old Cases every Year. Out of these, only 1700-1800 are Surgically Operated. We believe in Conservative Management whenever possible, But the Best Possible Surgical Care whenever needed. Stavya is empowered with all tiers of medical and surgical management for Spinal Disorders. With the latest technology from USA, and the best spine surgeons in India, we have the honour of providing the best results for our patients.*
Most websites write things to prove their superiority amongst competitors, or to attract people wrongfully. Stavya has the unique ability to judge itself and never market or brand itself. We are a unique and exclusive SpineCare Institute. We try to be as genuine and truthful as possible. All information shared by us on e-platforms is genuine and verified by us.